The 2023 Advanced Methods Institute, focusing exclusively on qualitative inquiry and entitled Advancing Qualitative Inquiry toward Innovation, Equity, Diversity, & Justice, will be held virtually beginning at 4pm EST on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 and ending on Friday, June 9, 2023.
Our vendors share important resources with our attendees, and are also invaluable in ensuring that we have the resources necessary to present an excellent Institute while keeping costs down for our attendees.
Interested in becoming a vendor? Contact Hannah Reyes, Graduate Research Associate, QualLab and AMI.
At Routledge, we publish thousands of books, e-book collections, journal articles and key online products each year. Our work as a leading publisher champions the knowledge-maker: serving, connecting and sustaining communities of scholars, instructors, and professionals. Our goal is to ensure their knowledge and expertise makes the fullest possible impact. We are part of Taylor & Francis Group where together we foster human progress through knowledge. To learn more, visit:
Myers Education Press
Myers Education Press is a new academic press specializing in books, e-books and digital content in the field of education. Working with many of the top names in the field, we present superb research that advances the discipline at a time when it is under attack on many fronts. Most importantly, we are an author-based press, offering you a refreshing, professional experience, whether you’re an author looking to publish a book or a professor looking for a great textbook for your classroom. To learn more, visit:
NVivo is Lumivero’s easy-to-use, collaborative qualitative analysis software that allows researchers to import, organize, explore, connect and collaborate on their data to reveal more significant insights from their qualitative data faster. To learn more, visit:
PIP Consulting
At PIP, we have created 5 principles for practical contemplation to help people become more aware of some of the thorny issues and concerns they face in their personal and professional lives–and through this heightened awareness can make change. And as qualitative researchers know, much of our work is about process. From start to finish, we must be both planful and open to shifts and changes. We must accept the limitations of language and turn around and use this same language in order to clearly and cogently communicate our findings. We must be comfortable with both the concrete and the ambiguous. The list goes on—as does the need, therefore, to tend to ourselves throughout these often competing processes. For more information, attend the AMI lunch on Friday, June 9, 2023 hosted by PIP Consulting, email and/or call 808-298-2334.